Alaina got to eat her first birthday cake tonight. We celebrated our next door neighbor Brynn's 3rd birthday. Brynn also has a sister, Bailey, who demolished her cake. Alaina ate some, but most of it ended up all over her. When she was done, I took my shirt off, grabbed her and brought her straight over to our place and into the tub. Alaina had a lot of fun though. She has also been pulling herself to standing a lot more. She found out today that she can pull herself up on the couch, so she is amusing herself more and more. She also got in another bottom tooth this week. Wendy put in the baby book that all Alaina wants for christmas is her two front teeth. She is still missing the top ones. Things in Texas are very good and warm, unlike what some of you are experiencing up in the north.
Love you all,
Dave, Wendy, and Alaina