We made it to San Antonio a day earlier than we planned so we could make it to Sea World before it was supposed to rain. We made it there early, but fortunately the rain waited another day to show up giving us a gorgeous day to spend outside. Alaina loved all of the animals there and watched the entire Shamu show. I was very impressed with her. Dave and Alaina had a caricature picture drawn of them there. It Turned out awesome! I will take a picture of it and post it after I have had a good night sleep.
Sunday we went to an awesome Mexican restaurant and spent quite a bit of time in the pool. Alaina loved it and we all had a blast.
Anyway, here are the pictures. Hope you all had as good of a weekend as we did!
Alaina has started to walk Bandit around. He follows her everywhere. It works great until he gets impatient and starts running circles around her and tangles her up. They both wind up on the ground and usually Alaina is getting attacked with kisses.
Here we are at Sea World again. (Thus the font color..) Dave and Alaina are getting their caricature drawn. Alaina got really squirmy until Josh started playing peek-a-boo behind the artists head with her. I will post a picture of the completed caracature soon and more pictures from Sea World.
Alaina was taking a break on Sunday from the pool and hanging out eating Ritz crackers on the table. We have some more cute pictures from the pool and I will post them with the Sea World pictures next time. I just have to fininsh editing them.
While we were at Laura and Josh's house earlier today, Bonnie wanted to take a family picture of Dave, Alaina, Bandit, and I. I am very impressed with her photography skills! This is the second phenomenal family picture that she has taken for us! I believe we are going to blow this up and use it as our latest family picture! Thank you again Bonnie!
Well, I believe it is about time for me to go to sleep. Alaina fell asleep while I was holding her at 7:15 tonight so who knows how long it will last for! Hope you all sleep well!
Dave, Wendy & Alaina