Hope you have a great weekend! I will be posting pictures of Alaina, Leo & Grammy soon!
Friday, February 29, 2008
Alaina's 2nd Birthday Cake!
Hope you have a great weekend! I will be posting pictures of Alaina, Leo & Grammy soon!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Hit Counter
First off, here is the picture I took of Alaina after she ate her cereal yesterday morning. Yes, she did get a bath right after I finished posting and tonight I need to take the glass off of the kitchen table to clean it well underneath. WooHoo!! It is amazing how dirty the underside of your table gets. I would have never thought to clean the underside of my table if it weren't a glass top table.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
A couple of nights ago, Alaina was singing Rock-a-bye Baby to her baby and brought one of her babies to Dave to rock with her. Me being the good Mom I am, stopped nursing to get a camera to get a picture.

Here are a couple of pictures of Alaina with Leo. I know Alaina looks filthy, but I promise it is just crayon and she was making her shirt into a mural. She wants to hold him often, but it is getting harder and harder. They are almost the same size!! They can already share some clothes. Yesterday Alaina wore the same shorts that Leo had wore the day before. Also, a few days ago she put on one of his t-shirts and I was surprised to find that it actually fit her like a mini t-shirt should. I'm not sure how long she is going to be able to hold him for!

Check out that smile! I don't know if she could smile wider if she tried!
Anyway, hope everyone's week is going well. It is time for me to go and clean up the cereal and milk paste that Alaina has covered her chest, face and hair in. I was hoping to save the bath for tonight. I don't know if I can anymore.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Info on Evelynn and more pictures.
We don't have much new news for Evelynn, but here's the latest. The lab did confirm she is Not allergic to dairy or soy because there was no blood in her stool, which is a good thing. It does still leave more questions, but those will have to be answered by her endocrinologist. So I guess they're leaning towards a thyroid issue.
On the home front, everyone here is doing well. Here is Alaina playing with Dave's old cell phone. She doesn't realize that it doesn 't actually work now, and that is fine with me.
Here is our lazy dog. I am posting more pictures of Bandit because I know my Dad would want to see them. :)
Here is Leo taking his first bottle ever. He is actually doing ok with the bottles. Tonight he wouldn't take one from Dave, but took one from me pretty well. Hopefully he will be really good at taking a bottle by Laura's wedding because I'm a bridesmade and it will be difficult for me to nurse him.
Well, it is 9pm & Leo is sleeping, thus making it time for me to head to bed. Yay! Tomorrow is Friday and then it is the weekend!!
Oh, by the way, happy birthday this week to Jean (Dave's Aunt whose birthday is on Tuesday), Great-Grandma Anita (whose birthday is today!), Grandma Bonnie (whose birthday is Tomorrow), Aunt Mary (my Aunt whose birthday is also tomorrow), William (Alaina & Leo's cousin whose birthday is Saturday), and Dave's cousin Nick, whose birthday is also on Saturday. What a week for birthdays!! Hope you all have/have had a good birthday!
Love you all!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Leo's first haircut!
Alaina and Dave played with stickers!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Alaina got Valentines!
Alaina got Valentines this year. Here is a picture of her enjoying chocolate from her Grandma Jane.
She is loving playing patty cake and now knows the order in which the hand motions go.
Daddy and Alaina helped me this morning make beef stew. Daddy browned the meat and Alaina put the carrots in the slow cooker (one by one). They got to wear their matching aprons.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Leo Rolling Over!
Well, Dave got it--or at least the last half of it. Dave started recording when Leo had already pushed himself from his stomach to his back. Then he rolled over for the 3rd time tonight. So, hopefully this works and you will all be able to see video of Leo rolling over.
Hope you enjoy! Goognight everyone!
Happy Valentines Day!
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
The cutest kids ever!
Update on Evelynn
Good Morning Everyone,
I wanted to send out an update on Evelynn. It is Not Cystic Fibrosis. Hooray!
Turns out it is also Not Celiac's; which is what we'd been hoping for.
Her allergist ordered stool sampling, so the lab is working on that right now. They are checking for blood to see if (even though she's hooked up correctly on the inside) there might be damage from consuming an allergen (Cow's Milk & possibly Soy too). If she's allergic to both, I don't know where to go yet.
I've been planning to quit nursing her by Feb 22nd, when she'll turn 18 months old. Please pray; this is hard for both of us, especially with all of this going on. Also, please stay in prayer for the Answer, and for a turn around. Good health and high spirits. We're thankful for each and everyone of you.
Carolynn Johnston
We are glad that all of these big tests are showing up negative! I will post again as soon as I hear more!
Sunday, February 10, 2008

If you think you recognise the outfit, Haley, you do. That is the 18 month dress you sent Alaina last spring that now fits as a shirt with leggings.
Saturday, February 09, 2008
Daddy's Home!!!
Dave got home this afternoon! We are all so happy to have him home. Alaina was so happy to see him! Here are a few new pictures.
This is Alaina with curly hair from having braids. I thought it was pretty cute :-)

Alaina opening presents.

Leo in his new Columbia University outfit. (Thank you again Haley!) I can't believe he can wear 6-9 month clothes and he is only 6 weeks! This kid is big! He had already gained 4 lbs as of last week.

Friday, February 08, 2008
Grandma's last night

Grandma say's this reminds her of little "Janie".
After their bath, they cuddled on the couch together. I love cuddles at night after a bath!
A relaxing day
Ride 'em cowboy!
Gotta love the 'toons.
Helping Grandma with Sudoku and looking rather perplexed.
Busy couple of days.
Here are a couple pictures of Grandma with the kids and one of Alaina while we were babysitting. Hope you all have a great weekend!