Two and a half weeks ago (on Thursday) Dave left for his annual 2 week army training. The day before, I decided to pack up the kids and the dog and head down south to surprise my Mom. It was a 19 or 20 hour car ride. The kids fought like cats and dogs for the first 20 minutes. Then at the 25 minute mark, Alaina asked, "Mom, are we there yet?". At that point, I didn't think we would actually make it. Surprisingly, the kids did fantastic for the rest of the drive and we only had a lot of restlessness during the last 2 hours of our drive home. When we got there, the kids and I hid when Mom was coming home from work, and we were able to jump out and say, "Surprise!" It was wonderful---and the reason I haven't posted in a few weeks.
While we were there, Aunt Betsy got out a couple of Grandpa's homing pigeons for the kids to pet.

The kids got to know "Baby Pearson"

Grandpa taught Alaina some new golfing techniques.

She's no Tiger, but give it some time....

Leo walked over to Aunt Betsy and held her hand. A few days after we got there he came racing over to her when she walked in the door. It was so cute and they were both so excited. Then Leo pointed at the candy jar and we realized he was only using her as a means to an end....

Alaina has something in her hands.....

A frog.

"Baby Pearson" loved watching the kids play.

Alaina showed off her frog some more.

Then didn't want to let it go....

The kids wore out Pearson. He fell asleep with Grandma holding him.

Aunt Betsy brought the kids dum-dums, and I'm convinced the best place to eat them is in the bath tub because the bath and the sticky cancel eachother out.

The kids picked out cars that they painted with Aunt Betsy and her boyfriend Ike.

I think Leo had more fun painting the tray...

And Alaina may have had more fun painting her palate...

Grandma face painting....

The cute couple!

The kids went on four-wheeler rides almost every day. It was by far the favorite activity. We went out on a ride that was almost an hour. When I went to put Leo down he started wimpering and saying, "More..."

Grandma and Grandpa let Leo push buttons. Me being the mean Mom, didn't let him....

Alaina showed off her moves while waiting for her turn on the four-wheeler.


Doing the girly thing and picking flowers while four-wheeler riding.

Leo, not too happy that he has to wait his turn.

My favorite picture of Leo.

My favorite picture of Alaina.

One evening Grandpa and Grandma took the kids out on a ride and Leo fell asleep.

Alaina driving to go horseback riding.

Playing with Lola, the barn cat.

Pearson horse back riding.

Alaina horseback riding.

Leo horseback riding.

Leo eating while watching TV on the bench that used to be mine.

Me, Betsy, and Haley.

We put the kids to work. (well, they have to earn their keep!)

Alaina and Leo at Uncle Bill's house.

Leo with Ike.

We had so much fun! I'll have more pictures (including beach pictures) when I get the pictures off of Mom's camera. I'm sure I'll have more stories to tell then!