Last weekend we made it back home after being gone for almost a month. Here are the end of the pictures from at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Leo was pointing to Great-Grandpa Gary.

Just like old times, he crashed in the dog bed...(he did that last year around the time of Laura and Josh's wedding when we visited Grandpa Gary and Grandma Shirley's house)

The firetruck. I played with this as a kid and so did Grandpa Keith.

Aunt Kathi and I (Alaina took this picture)

A week ago Saturday we went to Kelli and Bryan's wedding. Kelli looked fantastic and Bryan is one lucky guy to have her!!

Alaina dancing with Kelli.

Busting a move....
Dancing with the Stars future contender?....

Slowing it down a bit with Grandpa.

And Grandma...(that's a timeout by the way Grandma....)

I absolutely love this picture!!

Alaina, Leo, Grandpa, and Grandma right before they left to head back home.

Leo loved chasing the lights on the floor.

Both kids had a blast.

Great-Aunt Pam sent us a big jewelry box stuffed full of costume jewelry. The kids love it by the way!

Alaina wasn't too fond of sharing it though...

Leo was a ham for the camera. He loves wearing the jewelry. After a week it is still a favorite toy and I think Leo has spent more time with it than Alaina.

On Thursday (I think...) our old neighbor Bianca came back into town and brought her new baby Gretchen! Gretchen is only 2 weeks old.

Alaina and Leo rough-housing.

Playing peek-a-boo with Daddy.

Me and my babies all cuddled up after a bath and getting ready for bed.

I was only going to post one of the next two pictures, but I couldn't decide which one I liked better.

And finally, I'm getting started with the pottery again! Here is Alaina helping me center my clay.

I was showing her how to poke a hole in the middle to open up the clay. You can see Leo watching (impatiently) in the background for his turn.

Alaina did a great job with the pot. Together we made a great bowl (because that is what she told me she wanted to make...). Hope you all had a great Independence Day!!