It's Dave's birthday today, and it was quite a day...We had to take Leo to urgent care because he fell and got a huge gash on the back of his head and has a minor concussion. He is doing well now though, so that is good. I have been making bread from scratch for quite a while now. Here are pictures of the kids helping:
There is no egg in my recipe, so I let them eat some of it when they cook with me.
We ran through the sprinkler a few days ago. Alaina loved it. Leo wasn't too fond of it.
And she was cold after...
Dave has been practicing shooting his bow lately.
Not too bad! Alaina found a frog and wanted to play with it for a while before we let him go. It was raining outside, so I was a cool Mom and let the kids play with the frog in the house for a while.
Here are the kids watching him hop away when we let him go.
After Leo's nap, he came in by the computer while I was checking e-mail and fell asleep next to me :)
Today I tried to get the kids to pose for pictures for me. It wasn't exactly what I wanted, but it was cute none-the-less.
Then Alaina found a grasshopper.
Alaina and Zack hiding out in the woods.
Zach tried to teach Alaina how to ride his 2-wheeler.
while Leo fixed Alaina's bike.
Leo borrowed the neighbor's 4-wheeler and did awesome!
These are the collages I made from when we all got together a couple of weekends ago. We had so much fun! I'll be posting more pictures from that day when I get a little bit more time to spend on the computer...
I told Alaina to put away her stroller. I didn't expect her to do that while riding her bike...
Before putting it away, she gave Leo a ride in it...
Leo fell asleep on Alaina :)
The new $2 toy!! (the cube thing with the slide) I love garage sales!!
Leo: I think she's getting out!
Leo: Nope, but I still fit!
Leo: Maybe not... Leo: I guess this works!
Please ignore the messy toy area in the background of this picture! Leo pulled out the play station remote and was looking for a spot to plug it in. I don't think this will work....
The kids met up with their cousins a while back. Here they are eating ice cream and apple pie! Of course Alaina is being a ham for the camera.
We went to a family reunion a little over a week ago. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of the people we saw. I do, however, have pictures of my kids playing there. Alaina danced.
And took Leo on a walk.
And the kids played with Aunt Kathi.
They also rode the lions at Grammy and Grandpa's house.
We did get to see Josh, Laura, and Kylee this weekend. We will also be seeing them next weekend, so I will post more pictures after I get them all together!