It's the first Vikings game of the year today and the kids are suited up!

Well, the move is officially over, and we are very close to being all settled in to our new house! Now that we have internet again, I am now able to update the blog, so here are a bunch of pictures from the last month....or two....
Here is a picture of some of the neighbor kids before we left.

Alaina, Veronica, and Macalyn:

The kids running around the empty living room while we loaded the U-Haul

My old neighbor Ashley took the kids to the Children's Museum while I packed. I think they were tired...

Elijah, Max, and Leo

At our new house!!
Happy Birthday Dave!

Alaina picked out the ice cream cake and Leo picked out the Buzz candles.

Here are pictures from the awesome park that is a couple of blocks away from our house. The kids love the park and they have caught a few crappie in the lake behind it.

Here is a look at the lake that I took on the walk home. The playground is on the opposite side of the lake.

Alaina tucking her babies into bed.

Daddy and the kids watching a movie before bed.

I'm sure I will have more pictures as I go through more of the albums I didn't have the time to post :)