Alaina has gotten so much more independent over the last week or so. She won't eat her food unless she is holding the spoon, she won't take a bottle unless she is holding it up, and she won't even stand up if Dave or I set her on her feet. She has to pull herself up while holding onto our fingers. If we lift her to a standing position she just plops back down on her butt and wants to pull herself up. If things keep going the way they are she is going to be quite the handful as a teenager! Anyway, tonight she wasn't taking any food that I was trying to feed her and wouldn't let me help lead the spoon to her mouth while she was holding it, so I let her go at it on her own. Needless to say, after she was finished, she went right up to the bathtub! Dave got some great pictures of her eating. She looks way too innocent for the mess she has made!
what a adorable mess!!!
She is just to cute to be in trouble.
Love Ma/ Grammy
Okay Wendy...this is as gross as when Aidan started eating. Turns out, if you let her hold a different spoon you can probably feed her with another one. Worked at our house!
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