Sorry that these pictures are coming out late. With potty training and a 3 month old baby, things have been busy here. Speaking of potty training, things are going well still, although Alaina has found a way to abuse the system. When she makes it to the bathroom in time, I give her a piece of candy. This seems to be a normal reward that quite a few people use when potty training. This morning Alaina went potty and I gave her a chocolate kiss as a reward. As soon as she finished, she said, "More Candy!!" I told her that she could have another piece of candy when she goes potty the next time. She then immediately said, "I Potty!!" which is her way of saying that she has to go to the bathroom. I thought, what the heck, I'll let her try. Sure enough, she goes again. I held to my word and gave her another chocolate kiss. Immediately following this, she says again, "More candy!" I tell her again, you have to go potty first. Sure enough, she sits down, goes potty, and demands her piece of candy. Getting annoyed, I give her a piece of candy. This happened 7 times in 30 minutes. I have to say that I was amazed with her resourcefulness. She has learned how to completely abuse the system to maximize the amount of candy she is allowed to consume. I guess I should just be glad at how few accidents she has had. We have not had any accidents and she has even stayed dry through a nap and a trip to Target. (Once again, Knock on Wood!)
Anyway, here are pictures from when Laura was here. We dressed them up in their Easter outfits last weekend for church because they were too sick to go to church on Easter. The only one I had of Leo in his outfit was blurry so I didn't post it. I'm sure he'll wear that outfit again at some point and I'll get a picture and post it then.

She actually kept her hat on through Sunday School!

This was Leo's outfit without the sweater vest.

He's ticklish under his chin.

"Auntie Lala" with her neice and nephew.
Happy news...Laura and Josh are expecting their first baby this winter! We are all very excited and I can't wait to be an Aunt again!
congrats on the potty training, sounds like it's going pretty good.
Way to go Alaina!!
What cuties!
Love Grammy
She stole my line
What cuties
Auntie Pam
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