Everyone knows that the best part of a present is the box that it comes in. Or at least that is the theory that my kids live by. My Mom and Dad sent a box of stuff for Alaina and of course the kids went right for the boxes. Here is Leo playing with one of the boxes...

Ok, Laura and Carolynn, I really believe that you jinxed me! You both commented on Alaina's long and pretty hair. My plan has been to not cut Alaina's hair, other than trims, so that it grows out. That was the plan. You all know they saying you make plans and God laughs.....Yep. That happened. I found Alaina under the desk with a pair of scissors. I have no idea how she got the scissors. She decided to give herself bangs. At least they were wispy and not too short. I've got pictures showing how I fixed it at the end of the post. Yep. You will have to wait.

What do you know, Leo is still playing with the boxes....

Both kids wore their Badger outfits from Great Uncle Dan and Great Aunt Bonnie on Saturday for the big game. Thank you guys!!!

Alaina went and sat on the couch and told Daddy to sit on her lap. She was thrilled when he did.

Leo played with the boxes some more....

Alaina got all dressed up in her crown and pretty sweatshirt from Auntie Haley.

So my daughter found her new favorite place to play. Yes it is a clothes hamper and yes, it works great as a desk. What can I say...No harm, no foul?

One of the things Grandma Jane and Grandpa Keith sent were these mittens that my Great-Grandma Goodie made for me when I was little. Now they are her mittens that her Great-Great Grandma made.

Another box!

Oops! He got stuck. If you can't tell, his feet are off the ground and he is VERY stuck!

In this box Grandma and Grandpa sent a VCR and some of our tapes from when we were kids so that Alaina has some new movies to watch. There are also some home videos from when I was little. We haven't gotten to watch these yet.
Ok, so here are the pictures from the big hair cut....
Here is Alaina before. To get her to sit still I got her a push-up sucker. It kept her pretty amused throughout the hair cut.

Here is Alaina after.

I evened out the bangs (which I plan on having her grow out again, but if she is going to have hair in her eyes, it is going to be evenly in her eyes. I know. I probably should have left it alone, but I just couldn't help it.) And then I had to frame her face a little because of what she cut. Lastly, I trimmed up the back to all one length. Overall, I like it. It looks healthier, but I still miss her longer hair.
And I will leave you with Leo with the box...again.....

The boxes are now in the recycling. Sorry Leo. They don't match my decor.
Thanks for the good laugh! I guess for christmas I can get Leo...a box? Well, Alaina still looks beautiful with bangs. Josh was talking about her this weekend with all his guy buddies. His buddies were telling him how much a babygirl would change his life, so he told them all about Alaina and how he loves her. AWWWW!! Who says a group of Army guys cant have a deep conversation?
So who is teaching Alaina the 2 fingers behind the head trick?
Leo is so cute falling into the box, yes they are fun to play with!
I really like the last pic of Alaina in the mirror. you did a good job. All girls cut their hair at some point. Evelynn is next!
Lucky it wasnt to bad.
Love & hugs Alaina & Leo, love Grammy
You did a great fix with cutting her hair, very cute. Funny how the little ones love the boxes more than what is inside.
Love Auntie Pam
Sorry! But, I do think she looks great, Really cute. I can't wait until ours has enough hair to consider a haircut!! Were the flowers in your bathroom your bouquet from Laura's wedding? Very Nice! I hear you about the boxes too. No matter how much time, energy, thought (or money!) went into the toy... its all about the boxes. Really cute pictures of Leo in them and they both looked so cute in their football gear! You're so blessed.
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