Here is the hodge-podge of pictures from my camera. They start from the day after the lipstick incident. That was when we had the highlighter incident. Apparently, Alaina decided to eat one.

On the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the kids that I babysit for, my kids, and I made ornaments for the Christmas tree. I found a recipe and we made these:

Then Alaina dumped out the cinnamon and drew in it.....

We decorated the ornaments.

And here is how they turned out! :)

Alaina also made this picture for her Daddy.

Daddy found Alaina like this after being in her room for an hour or so. She found an old baby hat, put it on, and swaddled her baby.

Alaina was holding Leo's hand and leading him around including him in her and Daddy's game of hide-and-go-seek.

Daddy and Leo.

Grammy playing with Bandit and Leo when they came up last weekend.

Leo played with Bandit.

Dave goofed around with Alaina and his deer hunting hat.

Alaina was spinning and dancing.

Alaina and Leo in the leg warmers that I made for them. (They both really liked them!!)

Grammy dressed Bandit up this weekend.

Alaina helping Bandit model.

Grandpa and Alaina laughing together.

Grandpa, Leo, Bandit, and Alaina's Tinkerbell blanket :)

Alaina did crafts with Grammy.

Today Grandpa tried really hard to take a nap. Alaina tried just as hard to play with him. Daddy was out deer hunting, Leo was sleeping, and Grammy and Grandpa were watching the kids so that I could go to Starbucks and have coffee and read for a while. It was awesome. At least it was for Alaina and I....I wasn't there to protect Grandpa....

(and yes, that is another pair of leg warmers that I have over her tights)

I know I could probably sleep through that, but most people can't. After Grammy finished taking pictures, she distracted Alaina with more crafts so that Grandpa could get a little R&R without Alaina trying to keep him awake.
And finally, Grammy relaxing with Bandit while both kids were taking their afternoon nap.

There are 3 more new posts from tonight below this one. My last week and a half needed 4 posts to cover. And that doesn't include the awesome Christmas pictures I took. Y'all will just have to wait for your Christmas card to come in the mail! I was able to get some really cool pics. I will post them on here after people get their cards. I promise.