First off, I want a thank you from Leo's future wife. I have already taught him the value of vacuuming...

And shopping...

This last Friday to Saturday, the kids and I went down to visit my Grandparents and Dave's parents. Even though it was short, we had a really good time. The ironic part of it is that we went down to pick up a gun (for Dave to go deer hunting with) from his Dad. On my drive home Dave called and asked his Dad to go hunting with him and he said yes, so he is coming up to go hunting and could just have brought it then. Oh well. It was worth it to see everyone anyway. Also, lots of people got to see Leo walk for the first time.
We were able to drive all of the way to Cambridge on the way down before the kids made me stop. We wound up stopping at the Matt Kenseth museum.

And yes, that is a new outfit on Leo. He fell, hit his mouth and bled on his outfit. I was able to find this one on clearance for $9.99.

We then went to Great Grandma Jan and Great Grandpa Don's house. During her nap, Alaina dug through the closet, put on one of her Grandma's shirts, took out boxes, and destroyed the styrofoam to make it "snow".

Luckily, Grandma wasn't too upset. We did baby proof the closet better for when she went to sleep that night though.
Alaina rode on these that I rode on as a kid.

And played with my cousins, Grace and Sophie. (It is Sophie in the picture)

On Saturday we met Grammy Bonnie, Grandpa Mark, Great Grandma Ann Marie, and Great Grandpa Jack at the mall. Great Grandma Ann Marie took these pictures and e-mailed them to me.

Leo ate some of the whipped cream off of the top of my coffee.

Wow, my kids look enthusiastic....
Alaina wanted to feed Daddy her juice. Dave, being the awesome Dad he is, played along.

They had a blast!

Sorry it took so long to post pictures! Things have been pretty hectic here. I now have Zach (3) and Kendal (1.5) here every day. That makes it harder to get pictures and find the time to post them. Hope you are all having a great week! It is supposed to snow, rain, or wintry mix every day through Saturday here! I hope it is warmer where you are!
Great pics.
Thanks so much for sharing.
They grow so fast.
Love Auntie Pam
Great pics...Leo is growing so fast! looks like you had a great time!
Leo's wife will love you for teaching him how clean & shop.
I taught dave to clean a little, shopping he learned on his own, but he was always very good shopper.
Love all the pics.
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