We just got home from getting pictures taken with Santa. Instead of paying a fortune at the mall, we went to Wal-Mart where they take your picture with Santa, give you free pictures, and let you take pictures with your own camera. How awesome is that!!! Alaina really liked Santa. Leo not so much....

Last year when Alaina had her picture taken with Santa, she looked royally ticked off. The year before that I was able to get her to look happy, but she was really unsure of the big bearded man.
Bandit is not too thrilled with the weather. We even shoveled part of our yard for him to be able to run in. He just sits down and stairs at the door and looks pathetic. He was only outside for a few seconds before we took this picture.

On Thursday we made snowflake Christmas tree ordaments out of coffee filters. Alaina cut out the snowflakes by herself. Then we colored on them with markers. After that we sprayed them with water so the marker would bleed. They turned out pretty well! Here is a picture of Alaina spraying her snowflake.

Here are the finished products.

On Monday we are making Rudolph ordaments. I just picked up the stuff this morning.
cute ornaments. What a wonderful idea.
poor Leo, being scared of the large hairy Santa.
Love Auntie Pam
Hi wendy I was wondering what is alaina's and leo's favoret thing or object is. if you do not know it is ok! thank you so much love grace
awwwwww! Love santa pictures and that is great you can take your own pictures!
I love Leo's expression with santa haha I haven't taken D yet (on my list) lol...well Dave is applying for a job in clintonville wisconsin how far away is that from where you are? so we might live in the same state at least :)
haha, love the pic of Leo & Alaina
on santa's lap.
What a good idea using coffee filters, very cute. i guess you wanted snow & from what i hear you all in WI. are getting it. hohoho
I am sleeping with the window open at night here in Hawaii.
Love Grammy
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