Sorry that I didn't post this week. It has been quite a long week. The kids have been sick this week. We brought them into the doctor on Thursday and found out that they each have 2 ear infections. They are finally starting to feel better, but I'm still struggling a bit with Leo because I am having a really hard time getting him to take his antibiotics. Then Dave left on Friday early afternoon for drill and got home tonight.
So, these pictures start from early last week. Alaina put stickers on her nails:

She looks so grown up in this picture!

Leo has been flipping over the end tables to play in them.

Last week Saturday (Valentines Day), Alaina and I planted an herb garden. She did a great job planting!

She didn't make as big of a mess as I thought she would. She did a great job of filling all of the spots evenly.

Then for dinner Alaina and I cooked for the guys. We made heart shaped pizza.


Waiting impatiently for the pizza to cook...

The finished product. They were really good!

For Alaina's first birthday, she got a V-Tech video game system. She wasn't able to use it then, but we broke it out last week for the first time since. It was a huge hit!

Check out that concentration!

Then we all got sick. Alaina was so sick she fell asleep on the couch. That has happened a few times. Also, her naps that are usually one and a half hours are now about three or three and a half hours. It is getting better slowly.

Tonight I showed Alaina her "flowers". She was really excited about them starting to grow. I told her tonight that when they get big we will use them to cook with. She laughed at me and told me that was silly. To prove my point, we picked a chive and a parsley plant to eat. She didn't like the chive but loved the parsley. She asked several more times tonight if she could eat her "flowers".

I just finished up another carton of eggs so we now have 3 more packets of seeds to plant. Then when they all get bigger and it gets warmer, I have long planters that we will put them all in. It is fun to watch her excitement in growing something.
for having sick kids & doing everything you did, wow!!!
love the whole story of your lives.
LOve & hugs, Grammy
that does sound like a lot of fun! one of these days when i get motivation i would love to plant a herb garden. i love that picture of alaina sleeping, she looks so pretty!
you are so imaginative.
Love Auntie Pam
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