While going through the pictures from the last week or two, I realized I have many more pictures of Leo than Alaina. Here is how I found Leo a few days ago. I don't know if he set it all up or if Alaina did, but he was having a ball playing with and feeding the dolls.

(notice he is feeding the baby's eye)

Leo and Daddy cuddling on the couch.

My boys all smiles.

This is how I found Leo not too long ago. He had pushed a chair over and used it to climb up on the counter.

The next day I found him up eating Alaina's cereal. He did really well.

Then I gave him some of his own.

The kids all played with the Wii this morning. Check out the concentration!

Leo was looking for a controller.

Hope everyone is having a good week! Sorry it has taken me so long to get these all up!
OMG you sure have your hands full with that little monkey! he is so cute though!! :) oh and I love the socks on Alaina's hands :) too funny!
oh and yeah I got the squeaky shoes he seems to like them :)
i love the picture of dave and leo smiling. totally precious :) glad to see everyone is feeling better...we missed seeing pictures!
Yeah Dad & son pic is precious!
Cool now Alaina can play with our Wii when she comes down.
Love & hugs to all, Grammy
I am so glad that everyone is feeling better.
Great Pics again.
Love Auntie Pam
(Its warm here in Nevada)
A thought. Is Leo practicing for when he becomes octodad (8 babies)?
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