Sunday, November 01, 2009

Halloween and a Hair Cut

Happy Halloween everyone! The kids had a blast. I have pictures of trick or treating and costumes, but first I have a picture of Alaina working on her "homework".

Alaina started out as a puppy.

And Leo dressed up as a lion.

We had to have a dress rehearsal on the costumes yesterday morning to make sure that they fit over winter jackets. That is Halloween in Wisconsin! They did, but Leo hated the Lion's mane so we wound up switching around the costumes. After all was said and done, Leo was the puppy and Alaina was a bat.

Here we are getting ready to head out trick or treating.

And here is the big haircut! This morning Alaina came up to me and handed me a chunk of hair. So, this is what it looks like now that it is all evened out.

Hope you had a great Halloween!


Bonzo the Barbarian said...

Leo will get enough of the Leo the lion, so i done blame him, haha.
Alaina the bat, does that means she batty??
Alaina's hair looks good! I guess i was thinking it was cut bad & had to get a boy cut.
Love & hugs, Grammy

Josh, Laura, Kylee and Lexi Engstrom said...

wow what did daddy think about her hair cut? the kids look so cute, and the fall leaves look so pretty. its my favorite time of year. looks like a blast :)

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