On day 4, Josh was able to get off of work. We started out with a hike. There were beautiful flowers and trees along the way. Here are the pictures I took on the hike.

Laura took a picture of Dave and I.

Kylee found a stick.

And because I'm the Aunt I could take pictures of her putting it in her mouth, unlike her Mom who had to stop taking pictures to yell "No!" :)

Kylee got to ride on Uncle Dave's shoulders.

And a piggy back ride.

High five!

Kylee looking down at the stream that ran along most of the hike.

Banana tree!!!

Doesn't this plant look kind of evil?

At the end of the hike was Waimea Falls, a freshwater waterfall that you can swim in.

Waimea Falls

Dave and I.

Josh, Laura, Kylee, and Lexi.

The only picture that we have of everyone.

Dave and Josh swimming out to the waterfall. Josh was in the waterfall for these pictures.

Kylee and I played in the water while the guys were swimming. The water was 68 degrees so she wasn't all that interested in actually touching the water, but she wanted to be carried by someone who was in the water.

Josh and Dave in the falls.

There was a rock behind the waterfall that you could climb up on and sit on. It was really challenging (for me at least to get up there because you had to swim up in the falls and then reach up behind the falls and pull yourself up. The area right in front of the waterfall is 30 feet deep.
Laura and I trying to get used to the water's cold temperature to swim out.

Lexi hanging out.

While Laura and I swam out.

Me in the waterfall.

Kylee actually got into the water at the end.

We then walked back. After that we were going to go to lunch. We drove past the north shore and the waves were huge!

We went to Macky's for lunch and had the best shrimp I have EVER had in my life!

They were voted number one in Hawaii.
Dave and I at Macky's.

We drove by this guy on our way to the beach after lunch.

We then drove back to the north shore to swim. Unfortunately, the waves were so big that there were signs up warning against swimming. There were still a few surfers out. The guy in the picture here was standing on the board and using a big paddle to paddle out and then he would catch a wave and surf in.

We did splash around in the shallow area a little bit. Here is Kylee and Josh.

Such a little girl with the big ocean.

Running back when she saw the wave coming!

The darker area right at the shore were big rocks that were made smooth by the waves.

I played with the settings on my camera while I was at the beach (mostly shutter speed) which made the pictures lighter in color.

And then I found the black and white setting on my camera.

The signs warning against swimming.

Lifting up her feet to try not to get wet!

Josh and Laura said that we needed pictures of Dave and I so they choreographed this kissing picture.

And this.

Dave got hit by a wave :)

And us getting hit by a wave.

Josh saw this one coming and didn't tell us, so we got hammered by a wave that we did not see coming! (thanks a lot Josh!)

Kylee and Lexi playing in the sand.


Lexi and Mommy!

Josh, Laura, Kylee, and Lexi walking down to the other end of the beach were big sea turtles often crawl up on shore.

A turtle that we saw climbing up on shore.

Dave and the turtle.

Me and the turtle.

You could see a bunch of them swimming around the water on this side of beach. Here is one sticking his head above the water.

A view back down the beach from where we were looking at turtles.

For dinner, Laura and Josh took us out for a traditional Hawaiian dinner.
What a fun day! I love the black & white pix of Wendy & Dave kissing, perfect!!!
I love the beautiful pix of all the flowers & tree shapes.
Thank you for posting pix's of Kylee & Lexi.
this is great! I love your pictures. Yes, that one plant looked kinda evil.....!
Thanks for sharing!
Karen Johnston
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