Thursday, March 17, 2011

Butterfly kit!

Alaina got a butterfly kit for her birthday from Grandpa Keith and Grandma Jane.

Here is a picture of the caterpillars right after we got them.

Here they are a couple of days later.

And here they are now.

It should only be a couple more days until they make their chrysalis.

Alaina's Birthday Part 2

The day before Alaina's birthday she wanted to bring cupcakes to church. We made rainbow cupcakes. They turned out fantastic!!

When we were making the cupcakes, Alaina and I decided that she wouldn't have a cake on her birthday, we would just decorate the cupcakes and put candles in them. On her birthday she remembered she wasn't getting a cake and started balling. So, we made her a chocolate cake. I didn't want cupcakes and a cake sitting around the house so we made cake pops out of the cupcakes. To do this you crumble the cupcakes, mix them with frosting, roll them in balls, stick a sucker stick in them, freeze them and then dip them in chocolate. We then stuck them in her cake.

Here is Alaina crumbling the cupcakes.

Isn't it pretty!

Then we made the best fluffy frosting ever!

Here we were getting ready to dip them. If you look closely, you can see that Alaina is drawing a picture of them.

She got a sock puppet kit from Uncle Josh, Aunt Laura, Kylee and Lexi (Thank you!!) and made a unicorn sock puppet while waiting for the cupcakes to freeze. Although you can tell that she was sneaking food by the food stuck on her face.

Cake time!

After we ate cake and went outside to play for a while, we came back in and put together the puzzle that Grandpa Don and Grandma Jan sent. Alaina is also wearing the shirt that Aunt Kathi and Linda sent.

Happy 5th Birthday Alaina!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Alaina's Chuck-E-Cheese Birthday Party

When Troy, Julie, Zach, and Kendal (our old neighbors) came to visit we had a birthday party for Alaina at Chuck-E-Cheeses.

Here is Alaina on the phone telling Chuck-E-Cheese that it's her birthday.

Leo hung out with Clifford.

They had a ride where the bench that the kids sit on moves and they watch a movie that corresponds with the chair movement. This one was like riding a roller coaster. The cool part is that they have a camera focused on the kids that shows up on a tv above them so that you can see their face as they "ride" the roller coaster.

Chuck-E-Cheese with the birthday kids.

Alaina and her cake.

Getting her birthday metal.

Having her cake and eating it too.

The ticket blaster!

And Leo with his gun. He wasn't quite sure how to play the game, but he got his token's worth being able to play with the gun.

Overall, Alaina had a great birthday party.

A wedding

Soon after getting back from Hawaii, Alaina and Leo told me that they were getting married. They got dressed and had a wedding.

I love what the Camo Crocks add to the outfit!

He put the tie on by himself (or maybe Alaina helped)

Alaina even found a ring.

Pictures from the Flight Home

When we flew into Hawaii it was dark so we weren't able to see the beautiful landscape. Luckily, we flew out when it was light so I got some beautiful pictures.


Diamond Head.

One of the islands that we saw from shore earlier that week.

I love that the picture is wide enough to actually see the horizon curve.

And then we go from that to this...still beautiful, but, man, it made me miss the tropical climate!

Lake Michigan.