When Troy, Julie, Zach, and Kendal (our old neighbors) came to visit we had a birthday party for Alaina at Chuck-E-Cheeses.
Here is Alaina on the phone telling Chuck-E-Cheese that it's her birthday.
Leo hung out with Clifford.
They had a ride where the bench that the kids sit on moves and they watch a movie that corresponds with the chair movement. This one was like riding a roller coaster. The cool part is that they have a camera focused on the kids that shows up on a tv above them so that you can see their face as they "ride" the roller coaster.
Chuck-E-Cheese with the birthday kids.
Alaina and her cake.
Getting her birthday metal.
Having her cake and eating it too.
The ticket blaster!
And Leo with his gun. He wasn't quite sure how to play the game, but he got his token's worth being able to play with the gun.
1 comment:
What a fun place for a birthday party. Happy Birthday Alaina!!!
Leo knows how to ride a roller coaster, and Grammy will NEVER go with him. LOL
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