Happy Easter everyone!! I hope that you all are having a wonderful day! We have had a pretty good Easter weekend overall. We are still a little bit sick, but we were still able to get out for a little bit to go on the Killeen City Easter Egg Hunt. It was 74 degrees and sunny, so it was a perfect day for it. It was packed, so she only got 4 eggs, as opposed to last year when it was snowing and we left after we had at least 50 eggs and there were still more out there. She had fun regardless. She also got to meet the Easter Bunny, which she hated. She was perfectly happy waving at him from the safty of her stroller, but when Daddy brought her over to have her picture taken with him, she freaked out. Leo did much better. He slept through it all which made for a great picture.
Today we still had a cough and the sniffles, so we didn't get to church this morning. We did however get to find our easter baskets and eggs hidden all over the living room. Alaina had a blast finding her eggs as well as the baskets for her, Leo, and Dave.
Here are the pictures from the weekend:

Wow, she looks terrified!

Picture perfect posing with the Easter Bunny.

Alaina got much happier when we left the Easter Bunny and collected eggs. Here she is putting them in the basket Daddy was holding for her.

Here she is picking up her last egg.
Here are the pictures from this morning:

Wow! Check out that bed head!

It took her a good five minutes to start looking for the other baskets and the eggs after finding her basket.

Here she is with an egg.

She was checking these to by shaking them to see if they had any candy in them. If she didn't hear anything she would throw them on the ground and move on.

She spread out all of the grass in her easter basket all over the living room, opened up her chocolate bunny, ate off the ears and head, and left the rest of it on the floor.

I made the mistake of assuming that since Alaina had asked us to open up any piece of candy for her, that she could not open it by herself. Based upon that assumption, I left her unattended, with her basket, filled with candy, in the living room. After about 5 minutes I realized that she was being way too quiet. All of us Moms know what that means. I found her on the end table between the couch and the wall with at least 5 KitKat bars demolished. I guess they were only half demolished because she chewed on the rapper to make a hole and then chewed some more until the candy bar would squirt out of the hole. Each bar was only about halfway gone. Being the good Mom I am, instead of stopping her, I grabbed the camera. The mess was already made so might as well document it....
If all goes as planned, we will dye Easter Eggs tonight. I'm not sure what we are doing for dinner tonight and it is 5:11, so I need to go work on that. Happy Easter everyone!
1 comment:
Remember if you use real eggs to count them and then count what she finds. I remember us finding an egg in October that had been hidden at Easter. Ewwwww
Love Auntie Pam
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