Here are my newest pictures of Alaina. I posted a new one for Leo yesterday and realized I should really have an updated picture of Alaina. I put the black and white version of one of these pictures on the sidebar. I'm trying to figure out which one I like better. Any input would be great!!

Carolynn had asked to see a picture of some of my pottery. Most of it is at my parent's house because the stuff I had was stolen when our storage unit got broken into. Here is one of the sets I have left.
Hi Wendy, Dave and the kids! How is life back home in Wisconsin? We sure do miss you guys! Alaina and Leo look adorable in all the pics you guys put up on your blog! I just wanted to say hi and hope all is well with all of you...take care and keep in touch! Love the Scharpings!
The 1st pic, Alaina is smiling more. I love the black & white! But the colored pics are good too!!
The 1st pic, Alaina is smiling more. I love the black & white! But the colored pics are good too!!
oops, must have hit twice, sorry.
wanted to let you know that i really like what you've done with the site. The colors & decorations are perfect, love them.
Ma/ Grammy
You're so talented!!! Loved your pictures, all of them, too hard to choose just one. That's why we have 3 hard drives of pictures, lol. We just can't make decisions! Your pottery is stunning. Seriously, I would've thought it was from Crate & Barrel or Pottery Barn. "...all I want for Christmas is..." :o) Good luck with your wheel. And I love your new background, it's really fresh. Kiss the crew. Love C&C
I like the first pic but they are both adorable! you got some cute mnchkins!! I so love to take pics too! I have over a 1,000 of just him on my camera haha...(that isn't including the ones I take with my ma's camera!)
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