So, yesterday was Dave and my 4th anniversary. We didn't do too much because we had Jasmine and Trevor spending the night. We are however going out to eat together (ALONE!!!) on Monday to celebrate. Yesterday I also had 2 other neighbor kids over at my house. I was brave enough to let 5 kids finger paint at my kitchen table. It was a remarkable success. We had no tears and no huge messes. No paint fights and no paint on my ceiling. And I had 5 content kids for over an hour. Well worth the messy table. Here they all are finger-painting.

Alaina tried to pick up the paint by pinching it.

Trevor brought over one of his old firetrucks for Leo. It was a huge hit with both kids and the dog.

Bandit was just as fascinated as Leo was!

Tonight I have been ambitious and I'm making a full turkey dinner. Somehow it is 4:30 and I have nothing to do. The potatoes are pealed and sitting in water. The rolls are rising. Green bean casserole is on the stove waiting to be put in. Olives ('cause it isn't a turkey dinner without olives) and cranberry sauce is in the fridge chillin'. Turkey is in the oven and freshly basted (with my new baster---how fun is that!! Dave used mine to squirt transmition oil into the moped and I told him he could use it if he bought me a new one). Now all I have to do is wait to take out the turkey, make gravy, put things in the stove and make the potatoes. Should be easy. Let's just hope my rolls turn out better this time than they did last time (I forgot to take off the cling wrap when I put it in the oven...) and the green bean casserole cooks all the way through (I didn't know that you had to cook the beans before you made the cassarole or use canned...)
I'll let you know how my dinner turned out next time I have pictures to post!
Good way to keep kids busy & they love to make things, keeps their creativness (?) alive. what fun.
Have a very nice time on monday alone, just the 2 of you!
Love Ma/ Grammy
Oh my. This proves one of two things. Either I really am an underachiever, or you are supermom. Seriously, 5 kids finger painting and a full on Turkey diner just for the heck of it? If you have any extra pixie dust, send it my way please! LOL. Happy Anniversary, I hope you guys have a terrific time out alone.
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