It is amazing how fast pictures pile up when you keep a camera handy 24 hours a day! For example, it has only been a week since I have last posted and I already have 14 post-worthy pictures.
Early this week Alaina fell asleep on the couch while I was trying to keep her up to wait for Daddy to get home from drill weekend. She asked me to make her hair pretty and sat very nicely for me while I put two french braids in her hair.

We finally got Leo to take a bottle! Too bad he would only take a bottle with Kool-Aid in it....

Bandit tucked himself into bed.

I made chocolate chip and macadamia nut cookies and Alaina was both happy and surprised to get to lick the bowl.

Alaina was asleep so Leo got to sit in her booster chair instead of his high chair. Check out the evil grin!

These pictures are from after we got to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We brought Alaina's 4-wheeler with us. Leo pushed it like a walker toy.

Aunt Haley and Uncle Zach brought her a princess dress, crown, play jewelry, and several really cute shirts. Here is Alaina in the princess dress and the crown.

Queen Bee Haley (Alaina crowned her) and Bandit.

Haley playing with Alaina and all of her new toys.

Ok, here is the picture I took today to post. I only posted the other pictures as an afterthought. Here is a picture of Leo and his first 2 teeth!!

Uncle Zach reading to Alaina.

Alaina with the flower that is as tall as her. She picked it herself.

Haley and Alaina picking flowers.

Redneck princess.....Alaina in a princess dress driving a 4-wheeler.

Tomorrow we are going to hang out with Grammy and Grandpa Johnston and then we are going to Haley and Zach's second wedding reception. I'm sure I'll have pictures to share again soon!
LOL on the koolade I will have to try it David will not drinkanything out of a bottle so far! (by the way this is s_herzog from babyfit:)
Love all the pics, from evil grin to cookies!!! to redneck princess.
Love Grammy
I can't wait to see you today at the reception!!!!
Love you
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