Check out the new outfit I found for Leo on clearance at Kohls!

A few days ago I came down from bed and found Alaina and Dave ironing together.

The next day she ironed with me in her pj's and high heals.

Last night Dave, Alaina, Leo and I went on a walk. I pushed Leo and Alaina pushed her doll in this really cool stroller from Auntie LaLa (Laura) and Uncle Josh. You can't see it from this picutre, but this stroller is like a deluxe doll stroller complete with drink holder, underseat storage, and a toy on the front (that needs batteries) for the doll to play with. Thank you Laura and Josh. Alaina is loving her stroller!

Last night Leo cuddled with Dave.

This morning before babysitting Leo, Alaina, and I went on a walk. Alaina picked these flowers on the way. All of the flowers were growing wild so she didn't pick from anyone's flowerbed, even though she did try to get to the flowerbed flowers from time to time. Next time we go on a walk, I'm going to try to remember my camera. It is gorgeous!

After the walk, Alaina was out cold. This is how she fell asleep....

This weekend should be another busy one. Mark, Dave's Dad is coming tonight and Bonnie is coming tomorrow. Then they are staying until Sunday. It is so great to have family close again, although we miss Laura and Josh terribly!
I was just about ready to post this, and I looked down to find the dog like this:

I'm guessing he got into my knitting stuff.
On that note, it's time for me to pick up. Hope you all have a great weekend!
YEAH!! more pictures -cute!
When walking be careful of anything that looks like wild parsnips or wild parsley? - highly reactive to the skin (BURNS).
I love the pic of Alaina sleeping. Leo looks so cute in his new outfit.
Love you all,
Auntie Pam
i love the clearance rack! thats so cute that alaina wants to be just like mommmy...ironing, pushing the stroller...thanks for posting the pictures look great!
Wow, Leo is growing up so fast. Really getting into his own character & personality.
Love the little mommy & sleeping pose.
Love Grammy
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