Today after Leo's nap he snuggled up and fell asleep in my lap. What I wouldn't do to be able to bottle up this moment. Having a baby fall asleep on you is by far the best thing in the world.

On Sunday Alaina went and got a football and asked the neighbor boy to play football with her. They threw the ball back and forth.

And chased eachother.

Fell down.

And started all over again.

They had so much fun!

Leo tried to ride on Alaina's four-wheeler.

On Monday night it was pretty cool. Bandit went outside, got cold, and ran inside to bury his way under the pile of blankets on the couch.

This morning Alaina shared her water with Leo. She is so helpful!

So, these are the pictures from this last week. Over the next few weeks, the posts will probably be few and far between. On Monday afternoon I got sick and went to the doctor. Unfortunately, he told me I have Mono. I have been ridiculously tired and have very little motivation to take pictures, much less post them. I'll still try to post a few times, but we'll see.
Hope everyone else is doing well!
PS--If anyone has any good ideas for activities for the kids that can be done with me sitting on the couch, I would really appreciate it!!!!
We'll be praying for you!! Do you have a dvd stash? Put it to good use. Or if you have On Demand programming, that's good too. My kids love to "read" to me, and play catch. Of course 2/3 can't catch, so its more like fetch, but whatever, keeps em busy some days, lol!
Loved your pic of Leo sleeping on you; I know just what you meant, bottle the moment.
Alaina is so independent! Wow.
Feel better soon! Love & ((HUGS))
Get some sing-along DVDs such as Sesamee Street, Barny, etc. Send Dave for those - the library might have a lot of them for you.
Don't worry about the little stuff (dust bunnies etc.) they will take care of themselves or Dave can take care of them.
I hope you feel better soon!
Love Auntie Pam
is Leo walking? Did I miss that? pictures were SOOO cute! I vote for barbie princess videos :)
i hope you feel better soon sweetie, I wish i could come there and help out!
hog tie them till your better.
music videos & movies.
burned my fingers, tpying 1 handed, ouch. thank goodness for aloe vera!!!
hope you feel better soon! I love the pics so cute:)
oh and I don't really know how I got it on there lol when I went to add them to the blogs I read it just put them on there...and that is the last time that person posted a new post on their blog (which is cool! and it automatically updates)
thanks:) nope don't mind! nothing is cuter then kids playing in leaves:) have fun doing it!
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