It has been a busy day of trick-or-treating! This afternoon we went to the businesses downtown. There were so many kids! Both kids had a blast and we got free tickets to the children's museum! I, unfortunately, forgot my camera. I tried to make up for it this evening when we went trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. Here we are about ready to leave!
I liked Alaina's smile in this picture, but Leo wasn't looking.

Then I have this one where Leo is smiling cute but Alaina isn't looking.

Our first stop of the evening!

It got dark fast! We wound up following the Milwaukee Brewer Sausages for a while!

These guys whet all out decorating!

They didn't scare Alaina though!

Check out this front porch! I love this picture with Alaina waddling in her costume up the steps!

She rang the doorbell and waited so patiently for people to come!

Here are the kids checking out their loot!

Dave got another picture of our pumpkins :)

When we went inside, the kids went nuts looking at all of the candy.

Alaina unwrapped and gave Leo a sucker.

Enjoying the fruits of her labor.

She unwrapped another....

Double fisting it!

She did so good out trick-or-treating! She said trick-or-treat and thank you without being prompted and when a lady told her she could take another piece of candy, Alaina picked one out and said, "This one is for my baby!" and put it in Leo's basket. She is so good at sharing! I'm so proud of her!
Dave and Alaina are now curled up on the couch watching
It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown. We have only been interrupted once for a trick-or-treater. I wish we had more kids coming, but what can you do....
I hope you all had a great Halloween! I can't wait to see pictures of pumpkins and Halloween costumes! (...that is a hint to my sisters...)
Happy Halloween!
it looks like you guys had fun!! I am bummed I was on my way home from downstate when trick or treating was I wanted to go with my mom and the kids :( I am sad I didn't get pics but oh well I will go next year:)
sounds like you had a great time, looks like it too.
Those pumpkins look like they were hard to cut.
ooh. i hope you werent talking about pictures of us over here. i forgot to dress nash up in his costume Grammy sent! As for me, I dressed up as a hot pregnant chick...I even did my hair! Lol. I love the picture of Alaina relaxing eating a sucker, she's leaning against Dave's leg. lol. how cute. So did Leo wear a beret with his uniform?
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