While I have been sick, Alaina and Leo have become partners in crime. They gang up on me and get into stuff together. All I have been able to do is sit on the couch, laugh, and take pictures. Such as on Thursday morning they dumped out the crayons all over the kitchen floor.

Then Leo came up to me covered in crayon. Good thing Crayola is non-toxic....

Then they took out every peice of tupperwear I own and spread it throughout the downstairs.

This morning we got the first frost of the year. It seems like late fall is coming early this year. It is pretty chilly outside. Our high is around 55 or 60 for the next 10 days.

Alaina found a lady bug while looking at the frost.

We eventually poked holes in the lid of a baby food container and put the lady bug and some grass in it. She carried around that lady bug all morning. She named her Two.
Tonight we went out to dinner. After dinner we went to SAM'S Club and on the way home Alaina put on her goggles and passed out cold.

She is asleep on the couch right now. We tried to wake her up and her favorite movie is playing, but she is still asleep. As soon as I'm done posting, I'll put her in PJ's and bring her up to bed. I'm guessing she just needs the extra sleep right now.
LOL at leo's crayon face...hey at least he picked a color that matched his eyes!! They are cute together:)
Love Alaina's pj's. From Laura ??
Think of it this way, your kids are having a blast doing things that Mom might not let them. but are pretty safe & fun! yahoo!!!
Love Grammy
I know the clean up, sucks.
Give yourself a high five for a terrific sense of humor while you're sick. And give Alaina a high five for playing with a bug. Braver than her auntie that's for sure! Hope you feel better soon!
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW. sniffle. how uber cute the pictures are. thank you for posting so many. Alaina is so brave to be grabbing bugs...I hope she stays like that! I hope you are feeling better sweetie pie! I was going to call you but I think I'll wait another week.
I miss you soooooooo much!!
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