I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend! Dave had army this weekend and was gone so that is the big reason it was hard for me to get video. As much as we missed him, we had a good time lazing around the house watching movies and eating easy to cook or fast food for meals. I'm so glad that Leo started walking a little before he left. I was really hoping that he wouldn't miss it. He is getting better at walking every day!
The first time our daughter crawled up next to me to read Martha Stewart's magazine (you can't make this up!), while I was flipping through a catalog, I just kept thinking AWWWWWW!!! So Sweet.
That's wonderful that Dave didn't miss Leo's first steps and as you already know - Look Out - the learning curve is really sharp; especially on baby #2!
My Guy is out of town this week too... I have plans to scrub the house top to bottom... and eat a lot of McDonald's, LOL!
Love & (((HUGS)))
Aww that is so cute alaina is so cute! I can't belive Leo is walking!! lol what a cutie...
Yeah, keep it up Leo. Cant wait to see you again!!!!
Hugs & Love Grammy
Way to go Leo!
I like the book Alaina is reading Jayne Castle is such a good writer!
Love Auntie Pam
OMG. sniffle. look at your baby boy. i cant believe he's walking...at this time last year he was still in your tummy!
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