Leo is loving eating the food that the rest of the family is eating. A few weeks ago he started to refuse baby food. Now, unless it is the food that we are all eating, he won't eat it. Oh, also, he has to feed himself.
Tonight was Lasagna night......

I think lasagna made him tired!

Tonight with the lasagna we had salad. I put olive oil and lemon juice on my salad tonight because we didn't have any french dressing. After dinner the lemon juice was still on the counter. Unfortunately, the lemon juice I buy is in a container that attracts 2 year olds.

So I was sitting on the couch and I heard a noise that a Mom of most 2 year olds recognizes. I heard liquid being squirted into a plastic cup. One of the plastic cups from Alaina's kitchen set. I immediately jumped up to see what Alaina was squirting in her cup. You guessed it. Lemon juice. I started running (Yes, running!!) towards her and yelled, "NO!!!!!" Her response was to put the cup up to her mouth and take a big drink before I could take it away. I probably should have put her in timeout for going on the counter without permission, getting into "Mom's stuff", and trying to drink the lemon juice before I could get it away from her when she knew I didn't want her to drink it, but taking a big gulp of lemon juice seemed like punishment enough.....
Aren't you glad hot sauce doesn't come in a cutesy bottle?!? Awww!
I had a friend whose daughter started stripping down when the ordered at a restaurant. The mom was all hey, what're you doing, and the daughter was all Mom I'm starving! She always ate in a diaper because she was such a messy eater, LOL! They've got to learn to feed themselves, but not at the expense of an entire wardrobe!
LOL I would have loved to see her face!! poor baby:) Leo is so cute eatting lasagna! I don't think D will eat anything but he loves to play and make a mess....oh well one day right?
oooh, hope she learns not to drink anything without asking someone.
What a hard lesson. poor baby!!
Leo on the other hand, at least you have more control on what he eats, haha.
that is awesome! i wish i could have seen that picture! such a brave little girl :)
What a cutie! I hope that he got some in his mouth!
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