Wednesday, September 23, 2009

One more picture to add

I blocked out her last name for privacy reasons on the internet. If anyone wants this picture in it's original form, ask, and I will e-mail it to you. Goodnight!

Pictures of Alaina

Alaina cooperated and let me take some pictures of her today. Here is what we did.

I love this effect!
And a couple of pictures of Leo playing. He took off his shoes so that he had something to haul in his truck.

Hopefully I will have some pictures of Leo soon!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Football and Cupcake Pictures

Our neighbor, Ashley, had leftover cupcakes from her son's birthday and sent them over to our house for the kids to eat. Unfortunately, it seems like most of the cupcakes got on the kids rather than in the kids...

(aren't Alaina's eyes stunning in this picture!)

Last night we brought the kids outside to play, but Alaina wanted to paint instead. (Go Bagers!)

Today Alaina picked out her own outfit. I have to say, I love the jersey, but I'm not sure how well it goes with the Vikings pants and ballet slippers...

The kids ran around during the game....

I think Leo won.

Alaina started making faces for the camera.

Leo found the cookies.

The kids watching TV, and Bandit watching their food.


**Oh, and even though the kids are wearing Packer Jerseys, I don't think Dave can complain because Leo is wearing a Favre jersey and he plays for the Vikings, and Alaina is wearing a Donald Driver jersey and he plays on Dave's fantasy football team. So this is as good as Vikings jerseys, right??

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I have pictures again!

So, I know it has been a while since I last posted. My big reason was that I lost my camera battery charger. I found it today so I started snapping pictures again. Here is a picture of Zach and Alaina:

And here is a great one of cousin Kylee! (gotta love the outfit!)



Hopefully I'll have more pictures over the next couple of days!