Sunday, September 28, 2008


This week I have been lazy about pictures. I thought today, I haven't posted since Tuesday so I hooked up my camera to see what I had to post. I only had these 3 pictures and they are all from the same time. A couple of days ago, Leo fell asleep in my lap and Alaina asked to hold him. He was out pretty soundly so I let her hold him.

She kept saying, "Awww, he's so cute!" She was in the middle of saying, "Aww," when I took this picture.

Here she was giving him a kiss.
She then finally kind of smiled for the camera.
This weekend Leo got a little bit sick. I took him to the doctor yesterday and found out it was the beginning of an ear infection. He finally slept well last night after 2 nights of 2-3 hours of sleep per night. I'm so glad that he is starting to feel better.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Blue Dress

Today Alaina wore a dress that she has worn every summer for the last 3 summers. I was looking through old pictures and came across these. Here is the history of the dress, starting with the day I bought it for her and the post I made about it.....

Alaina's New Dress August 26, 2006

I just got this dress for Alaina today. It is a bit too big, but I'm a sucker for blue dresses (and clothes on clearance). I figure it should fit her next summer as well, so it is worth while.

***I should say that it got it's $2 worth of wear!!!

August 26, 2006

September 12, 2006

September 21, 2006

May 19, 2007

September 23, 2008

I am amazed at how long this dress has lasted. Sadly, I'm sure that this is the last summer she will get to wear it. Can you tell I really like this dress??

Amateur Cake Decorator

Alaina is now my amateur cake decorator. I made a cheesecake this afternoon and set it on the counter. Then I went over to the computer to check my sister's blogs. I looked over and found my cheesecake like this:

When I asked Alaina what she did, she said, "I eat cake!" and pointed at the cake. I told her that was naughty, but couldn't keep from laughing.

Yesterday Alaina turned her toy box into a recliner.
This is Bandit's favorite spot to hang out now. He lounges on the top of our couch. I think that Bandit thinks he is a cat.

Oh, the reason that I was able to laugh about the cheesecake is that I really cheated to make it. I took a pre-made graham cracker crust and put ready-made Kraft cheesecake filling in it. So when I said that I "made" a cheesecake, it is in the most basic use of the word "made"....

Friday, September 19, 2008

Guess who is standing!?!?

Leo stood up by himself for long enough for me to get the camera, turn it on, and take a picture! He even blew raspberries at me while I was taking the picture! 8 1/2 months and standing....I wonder how long it will take for him to start walking.... :( My baby is growing up!!!

Yesterday Alaina fell asleep on my lap! I wonder how long it will be before she gets too old for this?

I can't believe how big my kids are getting! I really hope Dave is around for Leo walking for the first time. I don't think it will be long....

Thursday, September 18, 2008

It's Fall!

First off, here is a picture of Alaina showing Grandma Jane her shirt while talking to her on the phone. Alaina ran to the mirror and held up the phone for Grandma to "see". I thought it was adorable!
One more picture of Leo asleep on my living room floor.
Leo wanted to eat corn on the cob the other night with all of us.
Grammy Bonnie and Grandpa Mark got Alaina 2 pumpkins when they were here last weekend. Today while Leo napped, Alaina and I each painted one. Here is Alaina painting when I first gave her the paints. Pretty clean, huh? Just wait...
Here we are almost done.
And the finishing shot. Unfortunately, our finger paints are more like a semi-clear gel, so we had to get out the non-washable acrilic paints for this one. She definitely had a bath right after.
After the bath the paints had dried and we put the pumpkins outside.
The other side of the pumpkins.
I'm so happy that it is finally fall and we can all of the Halloween stuff! Halloween is one of my all time favorite holidays! It is so much fun! Oh, Alaina had me draw Leo on one side and her on the other.

Monday, September 15, 2008


So, since Dave got a Vikings picture with the kids, I had a Packers one taken. Here we all are in our Packers jerseys. Thank you Grammy and Grandpa for finding a jersey for Alaina. The amusing part about our jerseys is that none of the players that we have jerseys for still play for the Packers. Alaina and I are wearing Favre jerseys and Leo is wearing a Reggie White jersey.

Here are some pictures of the planes flying over our house. The Blue Angels were fantastic and we were able to see some people earlier parachuting.

Daddy showing Alaina the planes.

Grandma watching the planes with Alaina and Leo.

Leo actually fell asleep in Grammy's arms during the air show. He obviously gets his ability to sleep through anything from me....
Random picture of Alaina in her Packer jersey.

Grandpa and Alaina.
Grammy and Grandpa brought Leo Dave's old superman cape. To keep it on I have it tucked into his shirt but I think I'm going to get a blue shirt to sew it onto.
Daddy and Leo playing airplane.
Daddy and Alaina playing airplane.

Check out the new kitchen that Grammy and Grandpa found for Alaina at a garage sale! It is almost as big as my kitchen! It also came with a bunch of cooking utensils, play food, and dishes. Thank you Grammy and Grandpa!

Today Alaina set up her table at the end of her play kitchen with flowers and a "tablecloth" (really a blanket) and had a tea party.

Last night before bed, Leo was asleep on my lap and Alaina asked me to put him on the couch by her. She cuddled with him for quite a while before it was time for her to go to sleep.
Grammy took this picture after church on Sunday.
She also got this one of Dave and Alaina. I love her expression!
When Leo fell asleep on Grammy's lap, he fell asleep holding her hand.

Well, that was some of the massive number of pictures that were taken this last weekend. Between Bonnie and I, I'm sure there were hundreds taken. That is my excuse for posting as many as I did. When you take that many pictures, it is hard to pick only a few good ones. We had such a good time with Grammy and Grandpa. Thank you guys for coming! We had so much fun and can't wait to see you again!

Baby Dedication

This weekend we got Leo dedicated at our church. Grammy took this picture right before the service started.

Here we all were up in front of the church during the dedication.
After we all goofed around while deflating the air mattress.

It was a great morning. I'm so glad that we were able to get both kids dedicated at the same church.

Later we watched the airshow. I have more pictures from later in the day that I will post after lunch!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Grammy and Grandpa's Visit

This weekend Grammy and Grandpa are up visiting. We are having a ton of fun!! Today we watched quite a bit of college football. We are waiting anxiously for the Badger game to start. I think it is ridiculous for a college football game to start at 9:30pm even if it is being played in California. There is no way I'll be up for all of it, but I want to see at least a little.

Anyway, here are some pictures of late last week through this weekend.

Leo was making an absolute mess of animal crackers. (And loving every minute!) I was picking crackers out of his hair, ears, and nose all day.

So, these Elmo fleece hooded sweatshirts must be popular because I have gotten 3 of them in the kids sizes and I believe they were each from different people.
I found a princess backpack at a rummage sale and Alaina has been wearing it around for days.
Alaina wanted to cuddle with her brother and Daddy got the camera and took this picture!
Alaina was wearing Dave's motorcycle helmet on her 4-wheeler.

Laura, remember this??? This was your coat and hat when you were Alaina's age. Unfortunately, I think Alaina's face gives away her true feelings about Mommy and Grammy dressing her up in a winter coat inside...
Tomorrow we are having Leo dedicated to the church. We have waited until now so that Leo and Alaina will have gotten dedicated at the same church. We are really excited that Grammy and Grandpa are able to be here for that. Also, there is an airshow going on about a mile and a half away from our house tomorrow. We are planning on grilling and sitting out in front of our house and watching that. We watched them practicing on Friday and it was really really cool!

In the mean time, I have a really crabby baby who is trying really hard to get his front teeth in and I want to get him to bed before the Badger game so I have to get going. Hopefully it won't rain and I'll get cool plane pictures to post tomorrow. Good Night everyone!