Sunday, April 19, 2009

New Outfits!

This weekend the kids got new outfits from Grandpa Mark and Grammy Bonnie. I have pictures of the kids in their outfits, but first here are a few pictures from late last week.

Leo and Alaina took full advantage of the warm weather and ate ice cream bars.

Leo and Bandit were watching things outside through the open window.

Ok, here are the new outfits!!

I love little girls in sailor outfits!!
Leo got a new green and white shirt.

Alaina picked out a Tinkerbell swimsuit.

And a sundress.

And this dress is adorable and came with matching leggings.

I love that smile!

Here Alaina was trying to get Leo to come out in the living room so that I could take a picture of him in his new shorts, t-shirt, button-up shirt combo.

These are the kids Christmas outfits for next year. The suit has an adorable blue and yellow stripped tie. Too cute! I think he will probably wear that before next Christmas.

And this is the doll that Aunt Jackie and Aunt Pam made for me after I had my surgery a while back. (Thank you again!!)

We stayed at Grandpa and Grammy's house this weekend while Dave was at drill. I brought my camera, but didn't wind up taking any pictures. I'll be getting pictures from Grammy soon, so then I will be able to post them. Mike and his girlfriend, Brittney, were also there. It was great to see everyone! I'll tell you more about that trip when I post the corresponding pictures.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Early this week, Alaina put a balloon in her shirt and told us she had "Baby Kylee" in her tummy.

She kept it under her shirt for at least 10 or 15 minutes.

Leo learned how to go up and down the slide by himself.

aAlaina drawing.

Alaina, Leo and the neighbor kids went on an Easter Egg Hunt in our back yard on Saturday. They all had a blast. Leo stopped looking for eggs after he found the first one and got it open.

He then hung out in the trampoline.
And rode the drainage pipe like a horse.
Here is Alaina and a few of the neighbor kids looking for eggs.
On Easter morning, Alaina looked for her Easter Basket (hint-look under the table)
Both of the kids with their baskets.
Alaina being silly during the sugar high....
She put a bunch of her eggs down her PJs. I'm guessing so that Leo couldn't get them.

Dave told Leo to smile and he did.
Alaina put toys in this bag and hung it up hung it up.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get these posted. I thought Leo was just a little bit off because he is getting in some molars, but we wound up taking him in last night and he has an ear infection. Poor kid! He has been sick so much this year already.

Monday, April 06, 2009

The Easter Bunny

On Saturday I took the kids to an Easter Egg Hunt and to see the Easter Bunny. I have pictures from that, but first here are pictures from late last week:

Alaina hijacked some of the junk mail and sat down to read it.

On Friday Alaina ran up to me and said, "Mommy! Take my picture!" So of course I did.

Here is the picture of the kids with the Easter Bunny.

They went on an Easter Egg hunt too.

It was at 9:30am and Leo usually goes down for a nap at 10. I think he was ready a bit early....
He had this same expression the whole time. As soon as we got to the car, he fell asleep.

And lastly, here is a video from last night.