Thursday, January 14, 2010

I downloaded more pictures from my camera yesterday. They went all of the way back to right after we got back when Ike and Betsy visited.

This first picture is from when we were all hanging out in the living room. Alaina came out dressed up in her tutu, Dave's hat, and Ike's Boots.

Betsy, Alaina, and Leo lookin' cool.

Daddy reading bible stories to the kids before bed.

Alaina looking adorable in her dress up clothes from Grandpa Keith and Grandma Jane.

Dave bought a helicopter with some of his Christmas money. He is having a blast learning to fly it!

So you can see how big it is:

Alaina found a new hiding spot.

Sorry it has taken me so long to get these up. I have started working again on putting together the books based on the blog that we make instead of printing and putting pictures in albums or scrap booking. I do it through blurb booksmart. It is really a great site. You should check it out if you are ever looking to make your own book.

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